
Creative Activities
across Europe

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Creative activities such as collective workshops and performances are currently ongoing in ItalyPoland and Belgium, partner countries of Atlas of Transitions.

Emilia Romagna Teatro Fondazione is supporting the production of short documentaries by the artistic collective ZimmerFrei and Taoufiq Izeddiou's '100 pas presque' workshop in Bologna, while Cantieri Meticci keeps melting citizens' and migrants' experiences through its neighbourhood theatres.

At Powszechny Theater in Warsaw, Poland, the Strefa WolnoSłowa artistic group will be presenting 'The Animals' on 14th and 15th April. Théâtre de Liège, then, is collaborating with several artists - among them, Gaël Turine and Pierre Etienne, - at several activities, which involve students, migrants and asylum seekers.

Visit the full list of the projects to find more about Atlas of Transitions' activities and projects.

Picture by Motus Terrae

Events like this
The docu-Film Monuments of Conflict & Convergence by Motus Terrae, has just been released. Discover more about Lavrio city identity, its history and people migration stories. Watch it here or visit Atlas of Transitions' YouTube channel.
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Our project partner from Greece, Motus Terrae, never stops, even under recurrent lockdowns and the continuous restrictions of the last period. They are preparing a short film through which the viewers will get to know the concept and the creative process and meet the local people involved in what could have been a site-specific creation. Stay tuned to discover this amazing journey!
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Imagine a giant urban chorus. Imagine the energy of a common vibration coming from different directions of the city. Imagine being part of a temporary community aimed at the creation of an extraordinary public event. A new opportunity for singing and music enthusiasts is coming to Bologna! It's called "Magnitudo, a collective act of voicing", and workshops start in April 2020. Find out how to join!
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If you wish to take part in an interdisciplinary artistic undertaking and learn some Polish along the way (or improve your communication skills in this language), meet new people, and learn about new forms of expression through art, feel invited to participate in "EXILE WARSAW 2020", a new multicultural project by Strefa WolnoSłowa.
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