Tjeter Vizion

Tjeter Vizion, founded in 2002, is a well-known open association for social services in Albania. It promotes campaigns of theatre awareness and assistance to the people in needs. Throughout the years, Tjeter Vizion has contributed to international projects, financially supported by the European Union, and artistic activities closely connected to national and international public institutions such as the municipality, social services, the Office for Protection of the Children Rights, police districts, and the National Centre for the Reception of Victims of Trafficking and Religious Institutions.
The basic principles at the core of Tjeter Vizion are the respect for human dignity, solidarity, the equitable distribution of economic resources, mutual help, internal and external democracy, and devotion. Every year, with the support of the Ministry of Interior and the municipality of Elbasan, Tjeter Vizion organises open forums and awareness raising activities through cultural events, mainly focusing on victims of trafficking and domestic violence.
Tjeter Vizion